Democracy In Doubt

Summary of news, views, facts and fictions concerning the Bush** administration and the effort to reinstate Constitutional Rule in America.

Democracy In Doubt Update - 04-03-2007

Bush Will Exercise Veto to Refute Troop Withdrawl
(Bush does not want to pull out...)
President Bush says politicians on Capitol Hill should not dictate "arbitrary timelines" to military commanders in Iraq.

The president is accusing congressional Democrats of meddling in Iraq war policy. Speaking this morning at the National Cattlemen's Beef Association meeting, the president said the consequences of setting a troop withdrawal deadline would be "disastrous."
Bush has dangerous reality-disconnect and pathological narcissism. He's got to go.

Counter Punch - Reid Responds to Veto Threat
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Monday he will try to cut off funding for the Iraq war if President Bush rejects Congress' proposal to set a deadline for ending combat...

Bush has said several times he would veto the measure, and Republicans say they'll back him. On Monday, 154 House Republicans sent Bush a letter promising to stick with him in opposition to the legislation.

Mindful that they hold a shaky majority in Congress and that neither chamber has enough votes to override a presidential veto, Democrats are already thinking about the next step after Bush rejects their legislation.

Reid said Monday that if that happens, he will join forces with Sen. Russ Feingold, one of the party's most liberal members who has long called to end the war by denying funding for it. Reid and others have previously been reluctant to propose cutting funding out of fear it would leave troops in the lurch.

"Congress has a responsibility to end a war that is opposed by the American people and is undermining our national security," Feingold, D-Wis., said. LINK
Reid and Feingold prepare to bash Bush over the head with reality.

Supreme Court Defies Bush - EPA Can/Should Regulate Emissions
SCOTUS votes 5-4 to rule that the Environmental Protection Agency can regulate carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses.
The court's four most conservative members -- Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito, both Bush appointees, and Justices Antonin Scalia and Clarence Thomas -- dissented.LINK

Scotus tells Bush that he MUST obey domestic law. Bush receives another dose of unsavory reality.

McCain Parks the Moon Bus in Bagdhad
Back on 3/28/2007 told CNN's Michael Ware that that Bagdhad is safe. When Ware scoffed, the presidential hopeful spent tons of hard earned chicken circuit dollars to *ahem* strolls through the streets of oh-so-safe Bagdhad. See? See how safe it is here!!!

What the above image does not show are the 100 troops that swept the area before McCain's walk, nor the 3 Blackhawk and 2 Apache helicopters that patrolled the skies. LINK
McCain has his Dukasis moment. What a freak. Is that Bagdhad Bob on the right?

Bush's Inner Circle Fraying at the Edges?
Bush's chief strategist from the 2004 re-election campaign (Stealing Elections for Dummies), Mathew Dowd publicly called Bush "secluded and bubbled in". Dowd also calls for removal of US troops from Iraq. LINK
Dowd is no saint, but an insider nonetheless who's public criticism of Dimson is just another crack in the neocon dam.


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