Democracy In Doubt

Summary of news, views, facts and fictions concerning the Bush** administration and the effort to reinstate Constitutional Rule in America.

Democracy In Doubt Update - 04-17-2007

Bush to attend Virginia Tech Service
Laura Bush will attend Tuesday's convocation at Virginia Tech to remember those affected by the deadliest campus violence ever in this country.

After the shooting on Monday, Bush expressed shock and sadness over the more than 30 people who died on the campus. The White House confirmed on Tuesday morning he and Mrs. Bush would travel to the university in Blacksburg, Va., to attend the afternoon convocation.

"Schools should be places of safety, sanctuary and learning," Bush said Monday in reaction to the deaths. "When that sanctuary is violated, the impact is felt in every American classroom in every American community."

Bush spoke with Virginia Gov. Timothy M. Kaine and Virginia Tech President Charles Steger. LINK
Bush to attend ceremony just like he's attended all those soldiers' funerals..all of those Katrina funerals... what a hypocrite..what a spotlight grabbing, exploitive, hypocrite.


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