Democracy In Doubt

Summary of news, views, facts and fictions concerning the Bush** administration and the effort to reinstate Constitutional Rule in America.

Edwards Stirring the Pot for the Little Guy

The Media decided early on that the Democratric primaries were going to be a two-person race between Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama. One could have argued that the two way race is the perfect storm; two big personalities slugging it out. A three-way race would muddy the waters, make it harder to cover. So, you could have argued that for sheer production value alone, Edwards was going to be ignored, marginalized, and possibly vilified.

The truth is more sinister. Edwards has waged his campaign thus far pounding the Populist Drum. He has consistently railed against unbridled corporate power. He has consistently brought the issues of the poor and working class into the spotlight.
* 47 million people with no health insurance.
*37 million people living in poverty.
*Middle class wages are stagnant under Bush, even while the economy has grown.

Edwards is shaking the tree. He's placed 2nd in Iowa and third in New Hampshire. He's neck and neck going into Nevada.

Edwards message prompted big business to respond.

Chamber of Commerce Vows to Punish Anti-Business Candidates

Face of Corporatocracy - Tom Donohue


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